For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a decription:
An avid collector or enthusiast, esp. one who is obsessed anime, video games, or computer and rarely leaves home.
Well, OK I wouldn't say "obsessed" but, the rest pretty much sums me up. I'm posting this because I forgot to mention it in my first post. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know what an Otaku was until I found the meaning of it, kind of gives an idea of what Hal Emmerich(Otacon) was before meeting Snake. The proof that I'm an Otaku is this, I'm on the computer at my home most of the time, when I'm not on the computer, I'm playing on my Wii or other game system, the only time I leave home is when I go to a TCG tournament or school, most of my favorite shows(past and present) are anime, not to mention, I have a "Death Note" T-shrit, and I was to type in more stuff but, I don't feel like it now, whoo! Yes, I use a line from "Silent Hill 2 : Chibi Edition", but it work here. Well, that all I have say, so here the "Death Note" shrit and bye.
The word you're looking for is weeaboo.
VoiseZephyrX (Updated )
Screw you, Chdonga!